What is mindfulness? Awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, to the present moment, non-judgmentally.

The practices of mindfulness support our ability to respond wisely and with greater ease, clarity and compassion to the ever-changing circumstances in our lives.

Watch “What is Mindfulness?” (2 min) by Jon Kabat-Zinn, founder of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR).

Evidence-based Benefits of Mindfulness

  • Improve Immune Response

  • Reduce Anxiety

  • Builds Stress Resilience and Reduces Psychological Pain

  • Increase positive emotions while decreasing emotional reactivity and burnout

  • Improve cognitive functioning

  • and more (see sources below or simply search)

Sources: UC Berkeley Greater Good Science Center, Vanderbilt University, Forbes Research, Harvard Business Review (HBR)

Why should leaders care?

In addition to living and leading from a place of courage and being awake to the fullness of life…

Introduction to Mindfulness

Individual or Team Training

Register for a series of four 1-hour classes exploring mindfulness as a secular, evidence based, experiential program. Research on mindfulness-based training consistently demonstrates positive outcomes associated with increased self-awareness, emotional and attention regulation; reduction in symptoms for various physical and behavioral health conditions including anxiety, depression and chronic pain; and positive changes in risk factors that may lead to more serious chronic ailments.

Reach out to explore bringing Mindfulness Training for your teams and company.